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Municipal By-laws
TL;DR no sky/Chinese lanterns, no fireworks except long weekends, no daytime burning. For more information, visit the Dysart website.
West Bay Landfill Information
5409 Haliburton Lake Rd, Eagle Lake, Ontario, K0M 1M0
Summer Hours (May 1 – Sept 30)
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Closed
Wednesday & Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday & Holiday Mondays: 10am-6pm
Winter Hours (Oct 1 – April 30)
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat: Closed
Tues & Thurs: 9am-2pm
Sunday & Holiday Mondays: noon-5pm
For the most up-to-date information, please visit the Municipality’s site
Local Updates
History of Percy Lake
In the early 1800’s, Percy Lake was one of many, many lakes in “Upper Canada” or “Canada West” that was known as Pine Lake.
In 1859, the Crown Lands Department in Canada advertised a block of land for sale in the District of Haliburton. The purpose for the sale of the land was to promote rapid settlement of the newly created townships in the District through private enterprise. The townships included in the sale were Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Gilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre, Clyde, and Langford.
In 1861, the land was purchased by a group of English gentlemen, headed by the Honourable Mr. Justice T.C. Haliburton, and the Canada Land and Emigration Company Limited was formed under the laws of Great Britain in 1862. Percy Lake, as well as Kingscote Lake and Farquhar Lake, were named after principles in the company (reference: Early Days in Haliburton by H.R. Cummings). Continue Reading…
Water Levels
Percy Lake Fish

Small Mouth Bass
L: 25 – 50 cm (10 – 20 in.)
K: Upper jaw does not extend beyond eye; shallow notch between dorsal fins; body often with dark, broken bars.

Large Mouth Bass
L: 25 – 55 cm (10 – 22 in.)
K: upper jaw extends beoynd the eye; deep notch between dorsal fins; body often with a broken horizental stripe.

Yellow Perch
L: 15 – 30 cm (6 – 12 in.)
K: 6 to 8 dark, vertical bands on sides, alternating with light yellow to yellow-green.

L: 18 – 23 cm (7 – 9 in.)
K: 3 anal fin spines; wavy, blue-green stripes on sides of head; ear flap with orange or red spot.

White Sucker
L: 30 – 50 cm (12 – 20 in.)
K: torpedo-shaped; round in cross-section; scales smaller than redhorse sucker.

Lake Trout (Kingscote Silver & Manitou)
L: 30 – 80 cm (12 – 31 in.)
K: light wormlike markings and spots on dark background, none red; deeply forked tail; white leading edge on lower fins, but no black line.
Information from Read more about 2019 fishing season limits.
Helpful Links

Weather Network

Environment Canada Weather Office

Coalition for Equitable Water Flow

Stanhope Airport

Ontario Hydro Storm Centre / Outages

Google Maps - Haliburton

Haliburton County Tourism Activities

Haliburton County GIS System

Municipality of Dysart Et Al

Crown Land Work Permits, Ontario MNRF

Haliburton Highlands Land Trust
FOCA Benefits
FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations, a not-for-profit organization representing volunteer associations and individual property owners all across Ontario. FOCA acts as an information bridge between policy-makers and property owners on significant issues, including: the long-term environmental integrity of Ontario’s freshwater resources, fair property taxation, effective land-use planning, risk management for volunteer groups, rural safety and emergency preparedness in the face of extreme weather developments in recent years.
As a PLRA member, you can access all of FOCA’s membership benefits, including the boat and cottage insurance program CottageFirst. FOCA members also enjoy free access or FOCA-member pricing for webinars and in-person events. FOCA provides support to association members by coordinating citizen-science programming, providing educational publications and materials, and online information pages on a wide variety of subjects.