2016 Summer
On behalf of the PLRA Board, welcome back returning residents, or if you are new to Percy Lake, we extend our warmest welcome to our beautiful lake and wish you all an enjoyable and pleasant summer with friends and family.
While the winter was relatively mild and somewhat erratic, in late March, ice on the lake re-formed after a snow storm, delaying the onset of spring and a build-up of ice on the lake. Some docks did get “twisted” or shifted as a result. Also, a number of major trees on the large island fell, potentially due to a wind storm. Otherwise, on the surface at least, things seem fairly normal, at least for the loons.
Over the winter of 2016, PLRA, along with the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association (HLCA) and the Fort Irwin Residents’ Association (FIRA), have been involved in a number of issues and meetings dealing with municipal and provincial issues that affect our common area, including road conditions, the status of the West Bay Landfill, and lake protection programs. We do expect to see some work on improving the roads. Also, we were assured that the Landfill will continue to operate as it currently does, and that we would be consulted regarding any changes that would be made regarding waste disposal and landfills in the municipality.
We have also been examining a new permitting process introduced in Ontario this year by the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNRF). This process requires property owners in Ontario to obtain authorization from MNRF for the construction or placement of docks and ramps, decks and boathouses that occupy more than 15 square metres (approximately 161 square feet) of shore lands.
This is an important issue for many property owners, lake associations, and also municipalities which have bylaws pertaining to these structures. PLRA and other lake associations, along with the Federation of Cottagers’ Association (FOCA) have written to the Minister of MNRF over their concerns regarding this new process and its implications.
Upcoming Events This Summer
For a relatively small association, we do have a number of important events, informative and social, this summer. So mark your calendars accordingly, and plan on your family and friends joining in, and participating in, these three events.
- PLRA Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 2016Saturday July 23 9:30 AM
The AGM for this year will be held at the FIRA Hall. Our featured guest speaker and presenter will be James Rogers, Forest Conservation Officer for the County of Haliburton. James has a keen interest in managing invasive species and long term forest health and has been involved with several projects addressing these growing concerns in recent years.His presentation will cover the top four invasive forest insect pests, their potential threats, and strategies to reduce further spread. He will also provide a brief overview of the Shoreline Tree Preservation by-law.
In addition to James, Dysart Township’s Reeve Murray Fearrey, and Walt Mckechnie, Councillor Ward 5, and an OPP community representative will be on hand.
The AGM is a time where questions can be raised for our elected officials, information is exchanged, and is a great opportunity for you to get to know your neighbours and renew your membership!
Light refreshments will be served.
Please mark this date in your calendar and plan on attending. Stay tuned for further details as we get closer to the date. Hope to see you there!
- Corn Roast, BBQ and Fishing Tournament – Saturday August 13
Last year, on August 15, we held our annual Corn Roast and BBQ and silent auction on the beach at the Winder family cottage. This year, we are planning on having the same event at the same location in the afternoon. As well, from 8:00 AM to noon that day, our annual Fishing Tournament will take place.These events, rain or shine, have proven to be great fun for everyone. Stay tuned for further details on this fun-filled active day. - Announcing the “Love Your Lake” Program!!!
Percy Lake will be engaging in the Love Your Lake Program in August 2016 in conjunction with the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners (CHA). This Program is a shoreline evaluation and stewardship program that can be applied to any shoreline community.Two students from the Environmental Science program at Trent University will be studying our shoreline and providing confidential and private feedback to property owners on the health of their shoreline. Shorelines, often referred to as the Ribbons of Life, provide rich nutrients for the health of our lake and the quality of the water.The students will be making their observations from boats and we will be needing boat drivers over a three to four day period August 15-19. We have been informed that if all possible, pontoon boats are preferable. Also, we are required to billet the two students while they are here. PLEASE LET JACK RUSSEL (jack.susan.russel@gmail.com) OR ANNA TILMAN (annatilman@sympatico.ca) know if you can help with this crucial program.
You will be receiving detailed information about this program in early to mid-July. In the meantime, you can check out the website: LoveYourLake.ca
PLRA Membership – Reminder
The annual PLRA membership fee is a modest $30 per family. A reminder to renew and/or join PLRA was sent out a couple weeks ago, so this is another reminder of the value of joining PLRA.
These fees pay our major expenses, including membership in organizations including Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Association (CHA), the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA), and the Coalition for Equitable Water Flow (CEWF).
These fees also pay for expenses incurred by PLRA’s annual events, such as the Annual General Meeting, the Corn Roast and BBQ event, and for this year, some of the costs for the Love Your Lake program that benefits all property owners.
A membership form is included for your convenience. Payment can be made by Interac e-transfer or by cheque to PLRA. We are requesting that you fill out the form and send it to our treasurer, Errol Farr, at efarr001@me.com (along with your membership fee).
PLRA Board
Our current Board members are as follows:
- Anna Tilman: President
- Errol Farr: Treasurer
- Brian Edey: Secretary
- Graham Warren: Past President
- Jack Russel: Past-past President
- Lou Kiriakou: Live Release Bass Tournament and Newsletter Printing
- Bob Wong: Website
- Jim Richert: Full season Fishing Contest and Lake Development
- Lake Steward: Mick Tilman
We welcome additional and new members to the executive board. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining the board and indicate the areas which are of interest to you.
Have a great time this summer, and I look forward to meeting you at our AGM and the Corn Roast and Barbeque and of course, on the lake.
Best regards,
Anna Tilman, President PLRA annatilman@sympatico.ca