2015 Summer
As of October 2014, I took on the role of President of the Percy Lake Ratepayers’ Association (PLRA). While PLRA is a relatively small organization, this is a big responsibility and one that I very much enjoy. I trust that I can represent permanent residents and cottagers on Percy Lake with the same dedication as past presidents Graham Warren and Jack Russel and all others who have served in this function over the years.
While spring was a long time coming and ice on the lake lingered on well into late April, following a rather harsh and cold winter, fortunately there have been no major incidents similar to those of the previous winter. Some docks did break loose, which is unfortunately a typical problem, and when noticed impacted residents were contacted and informed.
On behalf of the PLRA Board, we welcome back returning residents, and if you are new to Percy Lake, we extend our warmest welcome to our beautiful lake. I wish you all an enjoyable and pleasant summer with friends and family.
Percy Lake holds a special meaning for us. It is a place for various activities – swimming, boating, fishing, biking, hiking, enjoying nature, as well as caring for and repairing our cottages, but most importantly, a place for peace and reflection, especially during the early morning and evening.
We treasure what it has to offer, and care about protecting the health and environment of the lake and the natural habitat that abounds. In that respect, the PLRA and its executive seek to play an important role in communicating with members about various issues pertaining to Percy Lake and its environs, and also to serve as a recipient of residents’ concerns.
In addition, we are attentive to municipal issues related to roads, landfill, taxes, etc., and provincial matters of general and specific interest to us, including Hydro and other matters.
Our Association is a member of the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Association (CHA) www.cohpoa.org, the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA) www.foca.on.ca, and the Coalition for Equitable water Flow (CEWF) www.cewf.typepad.com. These organizations provide valuable information on protecting healthy and sustainable waterfronts and several of our members have attended their meetings and workshops. This involvement gives us an opportunity to communicate with other associations and also ensures we are kept up-to-date on issues that affect us all.
A particular concern that continues to emerge relating to stressors on the lake, is the impact of septic systems. The PLRA will be looking into this matter and providing information and advice as to what actions could be taken to ensure that our septic systems are not impinging on groundwater and the lake. The CHA’s website provides excellent information on issues regarding septic systems and recommendations on actions that should be taken to ensure these systems are operating properly, including the embedded video “Poop Talk” that provides guidance on responsible septic use.
On another matter, this spring, starting in the end of May through mid-June, many of us noted intense streams of pollen in several areas of the lake and poor water clarity. Additionally, a very foul odour emanated from the water and for some of us the nasty odour prevailed in the water system in our cottages. Because the amount of pollen was excessive at this time this year and believed to be greater than in previous years, there was sufficient concern to warrant checking into this matter.
Consequently, Jack Russel contacted David D. Flowers, Management Biologist with the Ministry of Natural Resources, who informed him that we were most likely witnessing a breakdown of pollen and algae growth, which is typical when pollen appears in large quantities on the water.
Accordingly, this is seasonal in nature and has been reported on a number of lakes in Haliburton County this year. We were assured that it is not of concern, which was a tremendous relief.
If you do notice any situation that is “irregular”, or anything of concern to you affecting the lake and its surroundings, please feel free to contact me or any other member of PLRA’s Board, so that we can further investigate the situation.
Focussing on the PLRA:

Painting by Mick Tilman
Last year on August 16 we held our Fishing Tournament and Corn Roast, BBQ and silent auction on the beach at the Winder family cottage. This year, we are planning to have the Corn Roast and BBQ again at the same location on the afternoon of Saturday, August 15.
From 8 am until noon that same day, our fun and exciting annual Fishing Tournament will take place. These events, rain or shine, have proven to be great fun and provide a wonderful opportunity for everyone to socialize and we look forward to them again.
The next PLRA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 1, at Bernie’s Circle, just off Percy Lake Road. Guest speakers will include Dysart Township’s Reeve, Murray Fearrey, and Walt McKechnie, Councillor. The AGM is a time where questions can be raised for our elected officials and is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbours.
Please mark this date in your calendar – and bring a chair (or two)! Hopefully the weather will cooperate – and if not, we will find an alternate location and let you know.
Our current Board members are as follows:
- Anna Tilman: President
- Errol Farr: Treasurer
- Susan Wenghofer: Secretary
- Directors-at-Large
- Graham Warren: Past President
- Karen Hatch: Newsletter
- Lou Kiriakou: Live Release Bass Tournament and Newsletter Printing
- Bob Wong: Website
- Brian Eddy: Water flow issues
- Jim Richert: Full season Fishing Contest and Lake Development
- Jack Russel: Past-past President
- Our Lake Steward is Mick Tilman.
We welcome additional and new members to the executive board, and invite you to put your name forward to serve on the Board. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining the executive board and indicate the areas which are of interest to you. The AGM also represents a great opportunity to get involved with the Board.
PLRA Membership
Presently, there are over 70 residents (permanent and seasonal) on Percy Lake. Approximately 35 are up-to-date members of PLRA.
The fee for joining is a modest $30 per family. A major portion of our revenue goes to pay annual membership fees to organizations including FOCA, CHA and CEWF, that together keep us apprised of developments across Haliburton and Ontario, and lobby on our behalf.
The fee for joining is a modest $30 per family. A major portion of our revenue goes to pay annual membership fees to organizations including FOCA, CHA and CEWF, that together keep us apprised of developments across Haliburton and Ontario, and lobby on our behalf.
If you have not yet joined PLRA, here are some key reasons why you should, including benefits available to members:
- Attend PLRA-sponsored events – such as the Annual General Meeting, the Corn Roast and Fishing Tournament and meet your neighbours and discuss matters of importance
- Receive the PLRA newsletter
- Be included in email distribution for updates throughout the year
- Through FOCA, receive discounts and complimentary access to FOCA events Discounted subscription rates for Cottage Life Magazine.
Membership is based on the calendar year.
Payment can be made by cheque or cash to PLRA.
Interac e-transfer is also available and can be sent to our treasurer, Errol Farr, at efarr@me.com. This is perhaps the most convenient way for many to pay the membership fee.
The membership form and Live Release Fishing Tournament Rules are attached to this update.
Have a great time this summer and I am looking forward to meeting and seeing you at our AGM and the Corn Roast and Barbeque. Of course, I also hope to see you also on the lake; swimming, fishing, canoeing, boating and kayaking.
Best regards,
Anna Tilman, President PLRA, annatilman@sympatico.ca
Oh yes, on another matter, on June 26, we had an uninvited visitor – or rather visitors, at our cottage: a mother bear and two cubs were spotted by our neighbour, Lou Kiriakou and his family. The photo, taken by Lou’s daughter, Dayna, captures the mother bear.
Just a reminder, such neighbours do drop by unexpectedly.