2022 Spring Update
As the spring season begins, the PLRA Board extends our warmest greetings to you and your family. We, on Percy Lake, are so fortunate to be able to enjoy the beauty and peace that the Lake and the surrounding environment afford us.
And so, it is vital that we, as stewards of the lake, protect the land, water, and forests, for the present and future generations and look forward to the seasons that we cherish at our time at the lake.
First and foremost, we trust that you and your family are well. While protection from the spread of Covid-19 is providing some assurance that a level of “normality” is returning, caution is warranted as to what activities we at Percy Lake can hold safely. For this upcoming springsummer season, the PLRA is potentially considering hold some activities, as in the pre-Covid past, such as a picnic, and a “physical Annual General Meeting”. At the same time, rest assured that activities such as fishing tournaments and the August Bass Event will definitely take place!
Let’s keep positive, careful, and respectful. And we will be able to enjoy what our lake and our community have to offer. We are pleased to announce that we have brand new signage for Percy Lake! We anticipate the two signs to be posted by the summer. And….they will stand out!
Regarding our local items as a Board, we are interested in recruiting new directors, and in particular, a lake steward. Please let us know your potential interest in these positions. Also, check out our website www.plra.ca for all kinds of information regarding Percy Lake, past and
present, and upcoming events, as well as posts or ads regrading missing docks, and other items
of interest.
With respect to activities/programs in Haliburton (Dysart Township), the township is undertaking a Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program for a number of lakes, including Percy Lake. Residents will be notified of their upcoming inspections, and will be provided details
on how to reschedule, prepare, etc. The first set of inspections is set to take place May 16th, 2022 with properties located around Eagle Lake. The township is also looking for approximately 5 properties to volunteer for an early inspection, as a training opportunity for its staff (for more information, contact Bri Quinn, Sewage System Maintenance Program Supervisor @ (705) 457-1740 x 636 and the website https://www.dysartetal.ca/en/build-and-invest/septic-maintenance-inspection-program.aspx)
Another issue, which is longstanding, is the Shoreline Preservation By-Law, which has been
discussed for quite some time, but with little, if any, resolution. This is a very important but also divisive issue overall. For background information, check out the link: https://wadein.haliburtoncounty.ca/shoreline-preservation-by-law
The annual PLRA membership fee, $30 per family, pay our major expenses, including membership in organizations including Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Association (CHA), the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA), and the Coalition for Equitable
Water Flow (CEWF) as well as additional expenses incurred by PLRA’s annual obligations and events.
This is also a good time to bring up the issue of PLRA membership. Last year, we had a very good membership representation on PLRA. So once again, we are sending out membership form for your convenience.
In closing, the PLRA wishes you and your family a healthy summer as you enjoy your time at the lake and keep you posted as to any issues or changes that emerge over the next few weeks that may impact our area. Above all, stay safe.
Best regards,
Anna Tilman
Anna Tilman: President
Brian Edey: Secretary
Koko Yamamoto: Treasurer
Lou Kiriakou: Director
Peter Mills: Director
Jim Richert: Director