2021 August Update
As noted in previous updates, typically, we would be holding events, such as our Annual Fishing Tournament, the Picnic, and the Annual General Meeting. For this year, in the interests of safety and caution, we will hold our annual general meeting virtually via Zoom in September but not our annual picnic. But hold on…not all is lost! Angling activities will be held as noted. Percy Lake’s 11th Annual Live
Release Bass Fishing Tournament
Saturday August 14, 2021
Our annual catch-and-release bass tournament will be held from 8:00 AM until noon that day!
Please note that entry into this tournament requires membership in the PLRA.
To join the tournament, meet at the small island just prior to 8:00 AM. For more information, please contact Lou Kiriakou directly. Check out the rules for the tournament at https://plra.ca/anglers/ .
Regarding other angling activities…
The annual full season youth angling contests (16 years and under) for both lake trout and bass are still in play for 2021. So, continue sending in your photos and fish length measurement to the website – the big one that got away doesn’t count!
The PLRA Board maintains a relationship and contact with the Municipality of Dysart and the County of Haliburton to keep us apprised of events related to our lake and surrounding area. The following actions/changes are currently in place:
- New 50 kph speed limit signs from Ft. Irwin (enforcement may be coming).
- Dates and Hours at the West Bay landfill and other landfills have changed (i.e. decreased) as noted on the new Landfill Identification User Card.
- Dysart Township has undertaken much needed road repairs, in particular, the boat launch road, and recently, gravel and smoothing some road surfaces (e.g., Johnson Bay Rd and Haliburton Rd near Fort Irwin).
Currently, the County and its lower tier municipal partners have tools that they use to regulate new waterfront developments including Official Plans, Zoning By-laws and the County’s Tree By-law. Several years ago, it embarked on a process to create a new Shoreline Preservation By-law to further strengthen existing controls for waterfront development in the County. This process resulted in the creation of a Draft Shoreline Preservation Bylaw.
The adoption of this bylaw is still on-going, and will likely continue for a while, given the many views on the level of shoreline protection required, enforcement of the by-law, and other related matters. Consultants have been engaged to help Dysart Council and Haliburton County reach out to the public regarding consultation on the draft bylaw. A “virtual open house” was recently held July 29 to obtain public input on the by-law. The PLRA participated via its attendance (Anna Tilman) in the open house and will continue to participate in what will likely be a lengthy public consultation process.
The matter of protecting shoreline is clearly an issue in which we are interested. For example, the rainfall levels this summer have been notable, to say the least. Since the end of June lake levels have risen to near historic (seasonal) highs. Such levels do impact shorelines and emphasize the need for protection. As to what degree and how are the outstanding issues. (The Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Association (FOCA) has issued the following links (https://foca.on.ca/ and https://www.bewakeaware.com/) related to shoreline protection.)
We encourage you to visit our website: https://plra.ca/ for a host of historic and current information regarding Percy Lake. It makes some interesting and worthwhile reading! If you have not yet renewed or joined the PLRA, a membership form is attached for your convenience. And if you meet new people on the lake, feel free to mention (and promote) he PLRA and the website!
The annual PLRA membership fee, $30 per family, pays for our major expenses, including membership in organizations including Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Association (CHA), the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA), and the Coalition for Equitable Water Flow (CEWF) as well as additional expenses incurred by PLRA’s annual obligations, insurance, and expenses related to events, including fishing trophies.
The PLRA wishes you and your family a healthy summer as you enjoy your time at the lake and we will keep you posted as to any issues or changes that emerge that may impact our area.
Anna Tilman: President
Brian Edey: Secretary
Koko Yamamoto: Treasurer
Lou Kiriakou: Director
Peter Mills: Director
Jim Richert: Director