2020 Summer Update
Despite the issues related to COVI-19, and limitations to activities that we can hold, the weather has been pleasant this summer to date and activities at the lake have been relatively peaceful and pleasant.
As noted in the previous update, typically, we would be holding events, such as our Annual General Meeting, Picnic, and Fishing Tournament, but this is anything but a typical year, and the need to maintain social distancing, and other levels of protection prevails.
As such, we will attempt to hold our annual general meeting virtually via Zoom or some format of that nature to allow for participation to the degree possible, but not our annual picnic. But hold on…not all is lost! Angling activities will be held, with slight modifications as noted.
Percy Lake’s 10th Annual Live Release Bass Fishing Tournament
Saturday August 15, 2020
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding our annual catch-and-release bass tournament from 8:00 AM until noon that day!
The rules for joining the tournament have been have been adjusted to accommodate current restrictions by the provincial government regarding social distancing (that would affect who shares a boat).
To join the tournament, meet at the small island just prior to 8:00 AM.
For more information, please contact Lou Kiriakou directly. The rules for the tournament are attached.
Entry into this tournament requires membership in the PLRA.
Furthermore, regarding angling activities…
The annual full season youth angling contests (16 years and under) for both lake trout and bass are still in play for 2020. So, continue sending in your photos and fish length measurement to the website – the big one that got away doesn’t count!
The annual PLRA membership fee, $30 per family, pays for our major expenses, including membership in organizations including Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Association (CHA), the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA), and the Coalition for Equitable Courtesy Mick Tilman 2 Water Flow (CEWF) as well as additional expenses incurred by PLRA’s annual obligations and events, including fishing trophies, etc.
While there has been a moderate response to date to membership renewals, we still have a way to go to reach last years’ levels to maintain a healthy fund. So as a reminder, if you have not yet renewed or joined the PLRA, a membership form is attached for your convenience.
In closing, the PLRA wishes you and your family a healthy summer as you enjoy your time at the lake and will keep you posted as to any issues or changes that emerge that may impact our area. We maintain our relationship with the Municipality of Dysart and the County of Haliburton to keep us apprised of events related to our lake and surrounding area, even in such difficult times.
Also please visit our website: https://plra.ca/ for a host of historic and current information regarding Percy Lake.
Above all, stay safe and enjoy your time at the lake.
Anna Tilman: President
Brian Edey: Secretary
Koko Yamamoto: Treasurer
Lou Kiriakou: Director
Peter Mills: Director
Jim Richert: Director
Mick Tilman: Lake Steward
Best regards,
Anna Tilman, annatilman@sympatico.ca